WorldCard Mobile

Product Overview

A bizcard recognition solution right on your iPhone.

WorldCard Mobile allows your business card capturing and recognizing through iPhone. Meanwhile it automatically sorts recognized information by name, company, position, address, phone number, email address and other fields.

Language Version:

WorldCard Mobile advanced feature

Worldcard Mobile provides you the ability to save info found on a business card directly into your iPhone Contacts. OCR technology saves the info as searchable text in the language of your choice under the card's image. If you want to store the actual business card images alongside your contacts, please purchase our WorldCard Contacts app! Worldcard Contacts enhances your ability to browse contacts in smart ways (custom groups, images, etc) and make a phone calls/send SMS/ and Search Maps directly.

Have Both? Watch them Work Together!

Having both applications allows you to unlock some great additional features! To use the OCR from Worldcard Mobile inside of Worldcard Contacts, tap the WorldCard Contact icon, take a card image and choose your desired language recognition to save this card info with image and text. WorldCard Mobile will sync with WorldCard Contacts to extract, store and place the card’s info into an interactive directory.

Product Features

Capture Card Image

Use iPhone built-in camera to capture business card images anytime.

Recognize From Saved Photo

Recognize business cards from saved photo in iPhone and iPod Touch.

Support Multiple Languages

Support interface and recognize 20 different languages, which are English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovak, Spanish (Mexico), Turkish, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

Sort Recognized Information

Sort recognized information by name, position, company, phone number, fax number, address, or other fields.

Select And Recognize Partially

Select partially and recognize the specific area that contains the correct data.

Merge Existing Contacts

Merge new business cards information with existing contacts.

QR Code & Email Signature Capture

To read QR code or copy signature, and add it to your iPhone contacts list.

Automatic Camera Shake Reduction

To capture an image without losing the focus.

Card Holder Function

Card holder function to view and manage contact information. Directly make a phone call, send SMS and email to your contacts.

Cover Flow View

Cover Flow Mode provides you the feature of one finger flipping the business cards to preview every business card image.

Link to Popular Social Networks

Find your contacts on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Expand your social and professional networks.

Exchange Data Quickly

Exchange contact data through Open In, Mail and iTunes File Sharing. Import/export or backup your data on Mac/Windows quickly and conveniently.